2017年8月20日 星期日

Right Key Keka - Service Patch for Keka

In 2011, I built "Right Key RAR" as a right key shortcut (service) of RAR. However, the compression ratio of RAR format is so low (although it's faster) that it pushed me to change my focus on 7z format.

Keka is a great app to archive or unarchive files, but it is not easy to make an archive with it because it is a simple droplet. The development team provides the automator service (see the official website) and try to make the user experience a little better, but it is not enough if you try it before.

"RightKey Keka" is an automator service with customised AppleScript codes, which can allow you to change the archive setting (set the password or split the file), and pack multi-files together or archive them individually, just in one sequential operation.

2011 年我曾寫了 RAR 的右鍵外掛 Right Key RAR,但由於 RAR 格式的壓縮比實在太低 (雖然壓縮速度很快),所以這迫使我把目標轉向 7z 格式。

Keka 是一個優秀的壓縮 / 解壓縮軟體,但是壓縮的時候有點麻煩 (需要把檔案拖放到 Keka 的圖示上)。官方有提供一個 Automator Service,但是功能性遠遠不夠。

Right Key Keka 是一個包有 Applescript 的客製化 Automator Service,它可以讓使用者在一次連續性的操作中做到 1. 加上密碼 / 分割檔案;2. 決定將多個檔案打包起來或分別壓縮。

How to install
1. Make sure "Keka.app" in Application folder.
2. Double-click on "RightKey Keka.workflow", macOS will help you to install it in ~/Library/Services/ , corresponding to automator services.

1. 確認 Keka.app 已被安裝在 Application (應用程式) 資料夾中。
2. 雙擊 RightKey Keka.workflow,系統會幫你安裝它到 Automator Services 的資料夾 (~/Library/Services) 下。

How to use
After installation, select some files or folders and launch the service "RightKey Keka" with a right-key click. First, choose which action you tend to do:

安裝後選擇要壓縮的檔案,右鍵啟動 Right Key Keka 服務,首先會看到動作選單:

If you need to add the password or split the file, please click "Change archive setting" and then Keka would launch automatically:

如果你需要加上密碼或分割檔案,請選擇 "Change archive setting",隨後 Keka 就會被啟動:

RightKey Keka would wait for you to make decisions. The archive menu will pop up after you close the Keka window. If you don't need to change the setting, just choose "Archive files".

RightKey Keka 會等你完成設定,關閉 Keka 視窗之後才會彈出下一步的壓縮方式設定,如果想直接開始壓縮檔案,在動作選單中請選擇 "Archive files"。

Make a package
If you choose "Make a package", name the archive first:

如果選擇 "Make a package",先決定該壓縮包的檔名:

(With the multi-language character support) RightKey Keka will move the files you select to the archive folder in the current directory. They will be moved back to the original directory after the process completion.

(從圖中可看出 RightKey Keka 支援多國語言的檔名) RightKey Keka 會將所有被選中的檔案移到與壓縮包同名的資料夾並開始壓縮,在壓縮完畢後會自動移回來。

Archive individually
If you choose "Archive individually", the result is simple:

如果選擇 "Archive individually",結果就跟 Keka 官方給的 Automator Service 一樣,每個檔案會各自被壓成一個壓縮檔。

Change log 20170820: v1.1 - Fix the limitation of 7z format support only. Now RightKey Keka can support any format of files.
Change log 20170826: v1.2 - Minor improvement without any bug fix or feature changes; add Chinese version of the user manual. I found the package feature has been a built-in function for a long time, but it's also an unknown issue. The developer claimed the issue is fixed and closed, but it is still not working in the latest version of Keka (v1.0.11).


If there is any bug or improvement you find, please email me, any suggestion is appreciated.

如果有任何建議或回報 bug,請寄信跟我聯絡,感謝各位~ 

2 則留言:

  1. 謝謝你的分享,我一直想自己寫一個wrokflow來處理我的工作文件,但是都遇到瓶頸... 直到看到你分享的workflow,我終於解決我的難題了!

    1. 其實隨著 Keka 的更新,這個 Rightkey Keka 的 workflow 已經沒有用了耶 ....
