2018年10月13日 星期六

Notice Pin -- Pin Some Information on the Notification Center or Lock Screen

Sometimes, we have to access some important information frequently in the phone under some circumstances. This demand is usually temporary, and not involved with security concerns, e.g. the boarding time and location on the transportation ticket, the shopping list in the notes app, and the reminder for ourselves to do something in a very short time. If we still need to unlock our phone over and over again during this time period, that could be very annoying.

Image source: ifanr

In spring event 2017 of Smartisan Technology, they released a cool feature called "Pin", which can "pin" any app on the lock screen, so you could use that app as normal but no need to unlock the phone every time. This feature is achieved by modifying the core foundation of Android, so it is almost impossible to do similar things on iOS without Apple official support. However, if we just need to "see" some information, not "operate" some app, it would be possible, and this is what "Notice Pin" does.

The idea of this iOS shortcut is inspired by Minja's blog (one of editors in SSPai.com), but I modify it a lot to make it more useful. Really appreciate his contribution for iOS shortcut community.

有時候,我們在某些情境下需要頻繁地讀取手機中某些重要資訊。這種需求常常只是暫時的,而且不涉及安全性問題,必如說交通票的上車時間及地點、筆記 App 裡的購物清單,以及對短時間內就要做的某件事的提醒。如果在這段時間內每次都需要解鎖手機去看,是一件非常煩人的事。

在錘子科技 2017 年春季產品發表會裡,他們在自家系統中加入了「圖釘」的功能,這個功能可以把任何一個 App「釘」在鎖屏介面上,所以用戶可以如往常地使用那個 App 但不用每次都解鎖手機。他們藉著修改 Android 的底層得以實現這個功能,但倘若沒有蘋果的官方支援,在 iOS 上要實現這個功能幾乎是不可能的。然而,如果只要「看」一些資訊而不用「操作」某個 App,這還是有可能的,而這正是 Notice Pin 在做的事。

這個 iOS 捷徑的靈感來自少數派編輯之一 Minja 的網誌文,但我修改了很多使其更有用,非常感謝他對 iOS 捷徑社群的貢獻。

How to use

1. Launch from Today Widget (從今日小工具中執行)

Launch it, and talk to it. The texts would be input automatically by dictation, and then you can correct it or add some extra texts by your typing or pasteboard.


A notification would be produced and you can choose if you need another reminder for this. (Note: to show the reminder on the lock screen, the set time needs to be at least 1 minute later, so this shortcut would not make a new reminder intermediately)

The notification will stay in the notification center, but you still need to swipe up to check it on the lock screen, and it would be possible to be drowned in the notification sea, even though iOS12 manages to improve this experience with notification stacking. However, the reminder could keep staying on the lock screen until you remove it manually, so choose it if necessary.


通知事項會待在通知中心裡,但你在鎖定介面裡仍然需要上滑去查看它,而且即使 iOS 12 試圖用通知堆疊去改善這部份的體驗,通知事項依然可能會被淹沒在茫茫的通知海裡。然而,提醒事項在手動移除之前會持續待在鎖屏介面裡,所以若有需要就選擇它吧!

2. Launch from Share Sheet (從共享選單中執行)

Choose the anything you need to pin. Due to the limitation of notification functionality, it could show limited texts and one image only, so I suggest to select the crucial part of texts or make a screenshot as input.

Please remember the reminder could show texts only, choose it if you really need.

可選擇任何需要的東西輸入 Notice Pin,但由於通知事項的功能限制,它只能顯示一張圖片及有限的文字,所以我建議選擇重要的文字部分或製作螢幕擷圖當作輸入的資料。


20190416 Update v2.0: Add the solution for no internet access situation, add the dictation input in the share sheet case, improve the text shown in the reminders, and simplify the code structure.


As above, please leave the comment if you have any question, thanks !


