2019年4月7日 星期日

QR Image Reader

QR Image Reader is a Siri shortcut to retrieve the information of the QR code in an image file. The built-in Shortcut action of QR code reader supports QR code scanning with the camera only, so it has nothing to do with a QR code in a picture.

QR Image Reader 是一個 Siri 捷徑,用以讀取影像檔中 QR code 的資訊。捷徑內建的 QR code 讀取模塊只支援用相機掃描 QR code,故它對照片中的 QR code 無能為力。

I developed a similar program Ez ZBar last year, which is based on a command line program ZBar. However, I cannot install this kind of utilities in iOS, so I integrate the WebAPI of ZXing Decoder Online (as above figure [1]) to my Siri shortcut, to achieve similar functionalities with Ez ZBar. Therefore, if one day it doesn't work, the modification of this shortcut will be based on the new WebAPI of this website.

去年我基於一個命令列程式 ZBar 開發了一個類似 QR Image Reader 功能的程式 Ez ZBar。然而,我不能在 iOS 上安裝這類工具,故我整合 ZXing Decoder Online (如上圖 [1]) 的 WebAPI 進入我的 Siri 捷徑以達到類似 Ez ZBar 的功能。因此,如果哪天這個捷徑不能用了,其修改將基於這個網站的新版 WebAPI。

How to use

1. Save the screenshot or image with a QR code.

1. 儲存螢幕擷圖或是包含 QR code 的圖片。

2. Use App extension, and open that image file with "QR Image Reader" of Siri Shortcuts.

2. 用 App 延伸功能以 Siri 捷徑 "QR Image Reader" 打開該影像檔。

3. Copy the text or open the URL in the QR code.

3. 複製 QR code 裡的文字或打開其連結。


By the way, if you just need to add a new Wechat friend with an image file, Wechat includes this feature already:

附帶一提,如果你只是要從一個 QR code 影像檔新增微信好友,微信已經內建此功能了:

1. Actually ZXing Decoder Online doesn't officially provide the WebAPI for developers, I got it by checking the source code of this website.

1. 其實 ZXing Decoder Online 官方並沒有為開發者提供 WebAPI,我是藉由查看網頁的原始碼以得到 API。

