2019年6月2日 星期日

Take Labeled Photos

Quick sharing. Today, I read an article on SSPai.com, which complains that all photos taken with iOS built-in camera app will be saved in "Camera Roll", so it would be more and more difficult to classify the increasing photos in the iPhone. Apple suggests the users to create different "albums" to organise their photo libraries, however, the taken photos are not automatically added into some specific album, so it needs to be done manually, which is very annoying.

So, I build this Siri shortcut to approach this function.

快速分享一下。今天我在少數派上看到一篇文章,文中抱怨 iOS 內建相機 App 拍出來的全部照片會被存在 "相機膠卷" 中,所以分類日益增多的 iPhone 照片會變得越來越困難。Apple 建議用戶建立不同的 "相簿" 去整理他們的照片圖庫,然而,被拍攝的照片不會自動地加入到某個相簿裡,必須用戶手動去做,這是非常煩人的。

所以,我製作了一個 Siri 捷徑盡可能地達成這個功能。

As above. You create a new album (it's called "Test" in the left-hand side of the above figure) first, and then take the photo. After one shot, this shortcut will run again for the next photo-taking, just like a normal camera app (although it is a little slower). The photos will be added into the album you assign, in addition, you can set several albums (as the right-hand side of the above figure) but there is no multi-copy saved in "Camera Roll". If you tend to stop the photo-taking, click "Cancel" in "Camera Preview" interface.

如上圖。首先建立一個新相簿 (上圖左為 "Test"),然後拍照。在一次拍攝過後,此捷徑會再運行一次讓你拍攝下一張照片,就像一般的相機 App (雖然比較慢)。照片會被加入到你指定的相簿中,而且你可以設定多個相簿 (如上圖右),但不會重複儲存在 "相機膠卷" 中。如果你想結束拍攝,在相機預覽介面中按下 "取消" 即可。

