2018年12月22日 星期六

File Module -- File Renamer

A file module of iOS shortcut to batch renaming multiple files.

一個提供將檔案批次重新命名的 iOS 捷徑檔案模組。

Rename String (命名字串)

Example: *hello?[1,2]
* = original filename
? = index
[1,2] = [initial value, increment]

So, fileA.jpg and fileB.jpg would become fileAhello1.jpg and fileBhello3,jpg. The file extension can be assigned in Rename String as well (e.g. *hello?.jpeg[1,2]), if not, they keep unchanged.

* = 原始檔案名
? = 索引數
[1,2] = [起始索引數, 增加量]

所以,fileA.jpg 及 fileB.jpg 會變成 fileAhello1.jpg 及 fileBhello3,jpg。也可以在命名字串中指定副檔名 (例如 *hello?.jpeg[1,2]),如果沒有則保持不變。

Sorting (排序)

"File Renamer" provides a few ways to sort the files before adding indexes, as above. The custom order allows you to select the items turn by turn to arrange their orders; the setting of the others could be tuned in "Filter Files" action, as below:

"File Renamer" 在添加索引數之前提供幾種排序的方法,如上圖。其中自訂順序 (Custom) 讓你藉由依序選取檔案的方式決定順序;其他方法的設定可以在 "Filter Files" 動作中調整,如下圖:

File Module? (檔案模組?)

The copy of the renamed files will be stored in the App you assign (any Finder-like App can be used), and "File Renamer" would not help you to delete the old files, sorry, you should do that by yourself.

In addition, you can use "File Renamer" as a file module/action. As the above figure, just delete the "Open In" and "Repeat with Each" actions and run this shortcut in another shortcut. "File Renamer" would accept a file list (any number of files) as input, and pass another file list as output.

被命名的檔案副本會被儲存在你指定的 App 中,"File Renamer" 不會幫你刪除舊檔案,抱歉,這部份你必須自己來。

此外,你可將 "File Renamer" 當成檔案模組使用。如上圖,刪除 "Open In" 及 "Repeat with Each" 且將此捷徑在另一個捷徑中執行即可。"File Renamer" 可接受檔案列 (任意數目的檔案) 當作輸入,並輸出另一個檔案列當作結果。

