Miss "Cut / Paste" on Windows ? Like a special feature "Merge" of folders when you transfer them ? Stop envying Windows users, we can get those features on Mac OSX, try "Move To" !
懷念 Windows 的 "剪下 / 貼上" 功能嗎?喜歡 Windows 特有的資料夾 "融合" 功能嗎?不用再羨慕 Windows 使用者了,現在在 Mac 上也可以有相似的功能,試試 "Move To" 吧!
Download Links :
For OSX 10.6 ~ 10.8 users : Move_To_X6up
For OSX 10.4 and 10.5 users : Move_To_X45
How to install :
For OSX 10.8 users : Double-click on "Move To.workflow", and select "Install" on the pop-up window.
For OSX 10.6 ~ 10.8 users : Put "Move To.workflow" into ~/Library/Services/ .
For OSX 10.4 and 10.5 users : Put "Move To.workflow" into ~/Library/Workflows/Applications/Finder/ .
If your "Library" folder (under your home directory) had no "Services" or "Workflows" folder, please help yourself to create them.
如果你 "家目錄" 中的 "資源庫" 裡壓根兒沒有 "Services" 或 "Workflows" 資料夾,請自己建立一個。
How to use :
1. Right-key click on the folders or files you want to move (more than one file are available for moving at the same time), and select "Move To" service.
在你想要搬移的檔案或資料夾上按右鍵,並選擇 "Move To" 服務 (可一次選擇多個檔案或資料夾)。
2. Choose the target directory you want to move the files or folders to.
3. Done ! And, if there's some folder in the target directory with the same name as the folder you want to move from the original directory, you will see a pop-up window like this :
Now, you can see the "Merge" function you hope to have on Mac ! But, if there are some files or folders under this directory (merged folder) with the same name as those under the target directory, the original ones (under the target directory) will be replaced !
現在,你可以看到你要的 "融合" 功能了!但是請注意,如果融合資料夾的下一層檔案或資料夾有與被搬移過來 (融合過來) 的檔案或資料夾同名的東西,在目標資料夾中、融合資料夾下的原檔案會被搬移過來的新檔案取代。
Equally, the file with the same name also get a similar pop-up window :
So, enjoy it ! I hope this little script could be helpful for you, if there's any problem or bug, please let me know.
My email is schrodinger959@gmail.com
20130105 Update : Actually, "Merge" feature has been already built in OSX Lion and newer OSX (as below), so ....
其實,雖然寫了這玩意,但我從來沒有使用 Merge 的需求,目前想到且實際有可能用到它的情景是 -- 安裝 LibreOffice 中文語言包的時候 ...... orz 說真的,那語言包真是不用心到了極點,居然要使用者自己去找各個資料夾安插相關的語言檔案,實在是爛透了,跟 NeoOffice 完全沒得比。可惜的是,現在要下載新版 NeoOffice 要收費 (雖然說是 "Donate",但不捐就沒得抓),而且這筆費用還只支援一年的軟體升級,所以我只好忍痛換掉它,話說用這麼久也有感情了 .... (煙) (淚)
Thanks!Big Hug!!
回覆刪除You are welcome !